Africare Kinder Trust (AKT) has been spporting children with no homes and who are from the less fortunate families in the community for the last 10 years. The organization has done this by donnating foood, Cloths and learning materials.
Below are details of the children who need your support.
- AKT/016-03
- DOB : 20.09.2016
Her parents got divorced hence she depends on her grandparents who does farming to cater for her fees. She has a sister who is in pre-unit. She is very good in class and her performance is very amazing. Any assistance given to her will be highly appreciated.Thanks
- School Fees
- Books
- 36
- 1 Year
- Medicine
- School Materials
- 27
- 1 Year
- Sanitary Pads
- 26
- 1 Year